Terms & Conditions

Thank you for accessing the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Park’s Kansas Ecological Review Tool website and reviewing the Terms & Conditions provided below. By using this website, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) staff may revise these terms periodically. If you wish to continue using our website after changes to terms are posted, you will be required to review and re-accept the terms prior to login. If at any time you do not wish to accept the terms, you will not be granted access to the website as a registered user. Alternatively, projects may be submitted to KDWP for ecological review by mail or email. Click HERE for instructions.

  1. The Kansas Ecological Review Tool website is governed by the KDWP’s web privacy policy.  The full policy may be reviewed HERE.
  2. The Kansas Ecological Review Tool website was developed and intended for the purpose of aiding conservation planning and facilitating regulatorily required ecological reviews of projects for potential impacts to Kansas-listed Endangered or Threatened wildlife species, as well as Species in Need of Conservation. By indicating your agreement to these Terms and Conditions, you warrant that you will not use this website for any other purpose.
  3. This tool was built and is maintained in partnership with NatureServe. Notification emails from this tool will come from KansasERT.no-reply@natureserve.org. This is an unmonitored email address. Users must contact KDWP-Ecological Services, at KDWPT.ess@ks.gov or 620-672-5911, with questions or additional correspondence.
  4. If you submit a project for ecological review, the proposed project boundary is based on the project area you submit. If the project area, location, or project activities change, the project must be resubmitted for review. If additional information becomes available or more than one year has passed from the date of the most recent ecological review, as documented by the Ecological Review Report and/or direct correspondence with KDWP Ecological Services staff, the project must be resubmitted for review.
  5. The accuracy of the reports and ecological review determinations generated through the use of this website are dependent upon accurate information being inputted into the system by the user. Failure to enter accurate inputs may result in incomplete or inaccurate ecological reviews. KDWP may require further review and subsequent regulatory actions if KDWP determines inaccurate inputs occurred.
  6. The Kansas Ecological Review Tool provides a spatial layer depicting areas of potential Designated Critical Habitat for Kansas Threatened and Endangered wildlife species. The areas depicted are subject to change. There may be portions of depicted critical habitat which do not constitute critical habitat for Threatened and Endangered species. Similarly, the boundaries of the critical habitat polygons are not considered to be hard delineations. If a submitted project is flagged for potential intersection with Designated Critical Habitat, a final determination must be made through consultation with a qualified biologist with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, Ecological Services Division (KDWPT.ess@ks.gov, 620-672-5911).
  7. Although reports or queries may not show records for rare species within the vicinity of a project, it does not necessarily mean they are not present in that area. Survey data may be lacking in the area of interest or opportunistic occurrence information may go unreported or unverified. 
  8. KDWP reserves the right, at any time and without advance notice, to enhance, modify, alter, or suspend the website and to terminate or restrict your access to the website.
  9. Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, to defeat or circumvent security measures, or to utilize this system for other than its intended purposes are prohibited and may be punishable by law, including without limitation the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and/or the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act.
  10. The Kansas Ecological Review Tool web application operates on a complex computer system. This system is monitored to ensure proper operation, to verify the functioning of applicable security features, and for other like purposes. Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, system personnel may provide the evidence of such monitoring to law enforcement officials.
  11. This website maintains a record of each ecological review results, as well as all contact information. This information is maintained for internal tracking purposes. Information collected in this application will not be shared outside of the purposes of KDWP.
  12. Some information disclosed on this website and/or associated Ecological Review Reports may be subject to the provisions of the Kansas Open Records Act (K.S.A  45-215 et seq.). To submit a request for information via the Kansas Open Records Act, please click HERE.

All projects submitted though the Kansas Ecological Review Tool website will receive an Ecological Review Report showing an “Automated Determination” on the first page. The Automated Determination will be either: “Project Clearance Granted” or “Further Review by KDWP Required”. Projects granted clearance may move forward without further consultation with KDWP, and the pertinent Ecological Review Report may be used to document consultation with the agency. Those projects which receive an “Further Review by KDWP Required” determination should revise the project and resubmit to the Kansas Ecological Review Tool for a new determination or complete the provided Action Permit Application and send it via email to: KDWPT.ess@ks.gov, or mail to: KDWP – Ecological Services, 512 SE 25th Ave., Pratt, KS 67124. 

Projects may be flagged for additional review if they: (i) intersect Designated Critical Habitat for Kansas-listed Endangered or Threatened wildlife species, (ii) impact lands owned or managed by KDWP, or (iii) include project activities deemed by KDWP to warrant additional review. This additional review will make a final determination to provide project clearance or issue an Action Permit requiring certain measures to avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts to Kansas-listed wildlife species. 

You must accept these Terms & Conditions to use the Kansas Ecological Review Tool website and tools.