October 2024
If you cannot find the answer to your question in the instructions below, please contact us using :
KDWPT.ess@ks.gov - For questions or troubleshooting regarding Kansas Ecological Review Tool.
Registered users are welcome to submit trial projects while learning to use the website, but we request all trial projects use a project title starting with the word "TEST" in all caps.
Instructions by Topic
Jump to section:
Home Page
My Account
Explore & Create a Project Page
My Projects Page
Specific Project Page
Tutorial Video Links
Data Layers List
Version Note: Version 1.1 and 1.2 of this guidance document were internal working draft versions. Once finalized, the Technical Guidance was designated as Version 1.3. Version 1.4 is the second public-facing version of the Kansas Ecological Review Tool Technical Guidance.
Create Your Account & Sign In
- In the User Login box, click ‘Create new account’
- Enter your email address, first name, last name, and phone number
- Read the Terms and Conditions of Use, and click ‘Accept’
- Click on ‘Create new account’
- A verification email will be sent to you from kansasert.no-reply@natureserve.org (Tip: Check your spam/junk folder). Click on the activation link in that email and then set your password within 24 hours. Enter a password and then click ‘Save New Password and Login’.
- You have successfully registered your account!
How Do I Log In?
- In the User login box, enter your email or username
- Next, enter your password
- If you have forgotten your password, click on ‘Request new password’ and follow the directions
- Click on ‘Log in’
How to Change Your Password
- Login to the Kansas Ecological Review Tool website
- Click ‘My account’ in the upper right corner
- Click the ‘Edit’ tab
- Enter your current password in the ‘Current password’ box
- Type your new password in the ‘Password’ box and ‘Confirm password’ box
- Scroll to the bottom and check the box next to ‘Accept Terms and Conditions of Use’ (if not already checked)
- Click ‘Save’
- Log in to Kansas Ecological Review Tool
- Navigate to the My Group page by clicking on the ‘My Group’ tab
- Read the disclaimers regarding Administrator capabilities and responsibilities
- Follow the instructions for creating a group
Explore & Create a Project Page
Tip: Please see tutorial videos to learn more about the webmap user interface (Introducing the Kansas Ecological Review Tool)
Map Widgets – Navigation and Tools available on the Create a Project tab
Note: Hover your cursor over any widget or tool to see a text description of the tool
Upper Left Corner Widgets:
- Click on the Default Map View tool
to zoom to the state of Kansas
- Click on the Legend tool
to view a map legend
- Only visible layers (open eye icon in Layers section) will be shown in the legend
- Click on the Select Basemap tool
to select a different basemap
Upper Right Corner Widgets:
- Click on the Search tool
to navigate to addresses or places (place names, street addresses, and geographic coordinates are all useable)
- Acceptable coordinate formats include Decimal Degrees, Degrees/Minutes/Seconds, and Degrees/Decimal Minutes
- Using decimal degrees does not require use of the degrees symbol (°), but the other formats do require it
- Use Alt+167 to create a degree symbol (°) when typing coordinates into the search bar
- Remember to include a negative sign (-) or N/W for coordinates (e.g., 38.12345, -98.56789 or 38.12345 N, 98.56789 W)
- Acceptable coordinate formats include Decimal Degrees, Degrees/Minutes/Seconds, and Degrees/Decimal Minutes
- Click on the Print/Export tool
to print a map
- Click on the Measure Distance tool
to calculate distances
- Double-click to finish line
- Click on the Measure Area tool
to calculate areas and perimeters
- Double-click to finish polygon
Lower Right Corner Widgets:
- Click on the Zoom In tool
to zoom in and see more details on the map
- Click on the Zoom Out tool
to zoom out and see less details on the map
- Click on the Find my location tool
to automatically zoom to your current location
- Click on the Reset map orientation tool
to reorient the map with North facing up
Create a Project for Ecological Review
Important! You must be logged in to submit information for an Ecological Review. If you do not see the ‘Create a Project’ tab, please ensure you are logged in.
Tip: Users must first define an area of interest in order to request an Ecological Review. Please see Submitting Projects to the Kansas Ecological Review Tool for a video tutorial of project submission.
Defining an Area of Interest
Click on 'Define Area of Interest' section to define an area of interest in one of three ways:
Important: For Ecological Review purposes, an area of interest should consist of the entire activity impact area and not just the project footprint.
- 1st Option: Draw your area of interest: Click on ‘Draw on Map’ and draw a polygon, line, or point on the map using the drawing controls
- Please note: You must zoom in closer than 1:72,224 to draw a shape
- Please note: Lines and points will automatically be buffered by 300 feet. You have the option of changing the buffer distance
- Click on Settings icon to toggle on/off ‘Snapping’, which displays right angles and parallel lines while you draw
- Click on Draw Polygon icon
, Draw Line icon
, or Draw Point icon
, then click on map to begin drawing; double click to complete polygons and lines
- Click the Undo
or Redo
icons to remove or redraw points/vertices that may be placed in the wrong locations
- To edit your completed shape, click on Select Feature icon
; then click on your shape to begin editing (shape will be highlighted); click outside your shape to stop editing and complete the shape (shape will no longer be highlighted)
- 2nd Option: Select area of interest from a layer: Select a layer to search and then select a record as your area of interest
- Use the dropdown menu to select a layer
- Toggle on Show table
- Select a record
- 3rd Option: Upload a zipped shapefile that contains your area of interest: Click on ‘Upload File'
- Browse to the zipped shapefile, click on file, and click on 'Open'
- Please note: The zipped shapefile must contain all the components of a ESRI shapefile, including the .prj file in a standard ESRI projection
- Please note: The zipped shapefile must be < 10 MB in size
- Please note: The uploaded shapefile can consist of polygons, lines, or points and can contain multiple records
After defining an area of interest, click NATURAL HERITAGE REVIEW to begin the project submission process to obtain a KDWP Ecological Review.
Submitting Pertinent Project Details
- After defining an area of interest, click on 'Natural Heritage Review' button
- Please note: The Natural Heritage Review option is only available to registered users; users must be logged in to see the button
- Complete all required portions of the Natural Heritage Review window
- Important: Give each project a unique name!
- Please note: After selecting a broad Project Type, users must select planned Project Type Activities. Select all pertinent activities that will occur as part of the project
- Please note: Selecting ‘Miscellaneous’ as the Project Type, will require the user to follow up with KDWP Ecological Services staff to complete the review process
- The project description should include a short descriptive narrative of the proposed project and planned activities
- Upload supporting documents, such as engineering plans, narrative project descriptions, .kmz/.kml files, field habitat evaluation reports, etc.
- Please note: all uploaded files must be <10 MB. If necessary supporting documents cannot be split or condensed to less than 10 MB, please email these to KDWPT.ess@ks.gov (noting the applicable ERT Tracking Number).
- Check the ‘I certify…’ box and click ‘Submit’ (a pop-up window will appear confirming your submission)
- The system will send you an email. It may take up to ten minutes to receive the email
- Follow the instructions in the email
Search for Features
- Click on 'Search for Features' to spatially search for records and/or to filter the records of a layer based on attributes
- Tip: Spatial Search and Attribute Filter work in concert
- Use the dropdown menu to select a layer to search or filter
- Spatial Search: Click on one of the four options to search (see instructions under Defining an Area of Interest for more detail)
- Draw on Map - Click on the polygon, line, point, or rectangle icon to draw a shape. If desired, click on Use Buffer to define a buffer
- Select from Layers - Select layer from dropdown menu. Select record by clicking on map or use Show table to select records from table
- Upload File - Browse to the zipped shapefile, click on file, and click on 'Open'
- Use Defined Area of Interest - Uses previously defined area of interest with option to add a buffer
- The search results will appear in the table
- Attribute Filter:
- Click on 'Add Expression' to define a filter
- Select Field Name, Operator, and Value
- Click on 'Add Expression' if you would like to add another expression to your filter
- For multiple expressions, the default matching rule is ‘Matching all expressions’
- Click on Matching Rule section to change matching rule
- The filter results will appear in the table
- Table Functionality:
- Click on 3 dots (Options icon
) in upper right corner of table to customize columns or to select all features/records listed in table
- Once you have selected some features, you will have additional options when clicking on the three dots, including the option to a .csv or .pdf
- Click on 3 dots (Options icon
- Click on 'Layers' to view available layers
- Turn layers on and off by clicking on the eye icon
- Tip: If Layers Section says “There are currently no items to display”, zoom in further on the map
- Layers can be rearranged by dragging and dropping the layers
- Click on spatial data in the map area to identify attributes
- Click on the Options icon
(3 dots) to:
- Zoom to layer
- Review layer descriptions
- Change opacity/transparency of layers
How Do I Add a Layer?
- To add your own layer, click on 'Add Layer' button
- Please note: Added layers are not saved and will be lost if you close the Explore or Create a Project pages
- There are two ways to add a layer
- To upload a zipped shapefile, select ‘Upload Layer’
- Click on 'Upload Shapefile' and select your zipped shapefile
- Enter a unique name for your file
- Click on 'Add Layer'
- Please note: The zipped shapefile must contain all components of a ESRI shapefile, including the .prj file in a standard ESRI projection
- Please note: The zipped shapefile must be < 10 MB in size
- To Link to a URL, click on the 'Link to URL' tab
- Enter the URL of the layer you would like to add
- Click on Verify URL
- Click on 'Add Layer' button
- To upload a zipped shapefile, select ‘Upload Layer’
Tip: Some basemaps consist of a reference (label) layer and a base layer that can be individually toggled on and off
All of a user’s submitted projects can be viewed by clicking the ‘My Projects’ tab. Please see tutorial video to learn more about accessing and interpreting the results of Ecological Review Reports resulting from project submission: Accessing and Interpreting Ecological Review Reports
- Filter your list of projects by using the filters on the top half of the page
- Click on a project name to go to specific project page
Automated Determination
- Project Review Reports include a Project Information table. The top line of this table provides the results of the Automated Determination made by the Kansas Ecological Review Tool. This determination can be ‘Project Clearance Granted’ or ‘Further Review by KDWP Required’.
- ‘Project Clearance Granted’ reports indicate the proposed projects are not expected to adversely impact Kansas-listed Threatened/Endangered wildlife species, their critical habitats, or KDWP-managed lands.
- These projects have met the consultation requirements of KDWP and may move forward, using the report as proof of consultation with KDWP
- ‘Further Review by KDWP Required’ reports have been flagged by the Kansas Ecological Review Tool for potential impacts to Designated Critical Habitat, KDWP-managed lands, or because the selected Project Type Activities are deemed by KDWP to warrant more careful review for potential wildlife impacts. These reports indicate the Ecological Review process has not been completed, and reports should not be used to confirm consultation with KDWP.
- If feasible, these projects should revise the project plans to avoid impacts to critical habitat, KDWP-managed lands, or seek alternative project activity plans to minimize their potential to conflict with wildlife.
- When changes to project plans are not feasible, the project sponsor must contact KDWP Ecological Services (KDWPT.ess@ks.gov or 620-672-5911) to request further review of the project. This information is included in the report.
- ‘Project Clearance Granted’ reports indicate the proposed projects are not expected to adversely impact Kansas-listed Threatened/Endangered wildlife species, their critical habitats, or KDWP-managed lands.
What Project Type Activities Require Additional Review?
- Other projects (miscellaneous)
- Road construction on new alignment-highway, multilane collector/arterial through roads
- Drain wetlands, marshes, ponds, lakes
- Channelization/piping of stream or river
- Dredge/remove gravel or sand from streams and rivers
- Realignment of stream channel
- Dam, watershed impoundment, pond, or dry dam construction
- Dam removal/breaching/notching
- Oil/gas well drilling
- Surface/strip mining (rock, coal, volcanic ash)
- Underground mining (salt, coal, etc)
- Quarry/stockpile rock and stone
- Quarry/stockpile gravel, sand, soil (off-channel)
- Wildlife habitat management/creation/restoration/protection
- Stream and floodplain habitat restoration/management
- Aquatic wildlife habitat management and fisheries improvements
- Fishways or aquatic organism passage development/maintenance
- Fish stocking
- Coal/gas electric generation facility
- Wind energy electric generation facility
- Energy storage facility
- Biogas/biodiesel/ethanol generation or methane recovery facilities
- Solar energy electric generation facility
- Hazardous waste storage and disposal (landfill, incinerator, injection well)
- Petroleum contaminated soils landfarming/bioremediation
View Tab
- Click on 'Ecological Review Report' (PDF) link in Project Review Results table to view and download the results of the Ecological Review
- Project Review Status table provides detail regarding the status of your project
- Overall Status indicates if project does or does not conflict with Designated Critical Habitat, KDWP-managed lands, or Project Type Activities deemed by KDWP to warrant more careful review for potential wildlife impacts. The Overall Status determination will not change. Two designations are available
- No Conflict – Your project does not intersect areas of Designated Critical Habitat or KDWP-managed land and does not include project activities deemed to necessitate additional review. These projects have been granted clearance to proceed
- Needs Review – Your project will need further review by KDWP Ecological Services staff
- Permit Status indicates if an Action Permit will be required. Three Permit Status designations are available
- Pending Review – KDWP Ecological Services staff are reviewing project details to determine if an Action Permit is required.
- Permit Not Needed – The project will not require an Action Permit
- Permit Needed – An Action Permit will be required before project activities take place
- Project Status indicates what stage of the review process your project is currently at. Four Project Status designations are available.
- Unreviewed
- Review in Process
- Action Needed
- Completed
- Overall Status indicates if project does or does not conflict with Designated Critical Habitat, KDWP-managed lands, or Project Type Activities deemed by KDWP to warrant more careful review for potential wildlife impacts. The Overall Status determination will not change. Two designations are available
- Click on Boundary Shapefile (ZIP) or KMZ File to verify geographic area submitted for Ecological Review
Edit Details Tab
- Use this tab to edit the details of your project
- You can also upload a document in the ‘Attach Related Project Documentation’ section
- Click ‘Save’
- Wait until a new Ecological Review Report (PDF) link is generated in the Project Review Results table, then click on link to view the results of the Ecological Review
Map Tab (Edit project location or boundary)
- Single click within your geometry to start editing
- Reshape project boundary
- Single click outside your geometry to finish editing
- Click ‘Update Project Geometry'
- Click ‘Submit’ on the Confirmation popup
- Click ‘yes’ to return to your project
- Wait until a new Ecological Review Report (PDF) link is generated in the Automated Review Results table, then click on link to view the results of the Ecological Review
- Alternatively, submitted project boundaries can also be edited by simply uploading a new zipped shapefile. Please see '3rd Option' of the Defining an Area of Interest subsection
Update Report Tab
Important! If the map in your reports shows a world map instead of your area of interest, the review is invalid; please contact us immediately!
- Click ‘Update Report’ tab to begin process of generating a new report, then click ‘Submit’
- Wait until a new Ecological Review Report (PDF) link is generated in the Project Review Results table, then click on link to view the results of the Ecological Review
Link to tutorial video showing how to edit existing projects: Modifying Details of Previously Submitted Projects
If you are experiencing map issues (e.g., layers not drawing), please update your browser and/or clear your browser cache:
- Type 'Ctrl' + 'Shift' + 'J'
- Left click and hold the refresh icon ⟳ in the upper left corner of the screen
- Choose 'Empty Cache and Hard Reload'
Tutorial Video Links
Click the links below to view individual videos highlighting specific functionality and processes for use of the Kansas Ecological Review Tool website. All videos can be viewed together by clicking the following playlist link: KERT Tutorial Playlist.
- Introducing the Kansas Ecological Review Tool website: introduces new users to the KERT webmap user interface and available widgets, functions, and data layers
- Submitting Projects to the Kansas Ecological Review Tool website: shows users how to manually digitize or upload shapefiles to define proposed project areas and describes other pertinent information that is required for project submission
- Accessing and Interpreting Ecological Review Reports: describes how to retrieve and understand the KERT system-generated Ecological Review Reports for submitted projects
- Modifying Details of Previously Submitted Projects: shows users how to edit user-submitted details or modify the project area for previously submitted projects
Data Layers List
ERT Grouping | ERT Layer Alias | File Name | Description | Source |
Boundaries | Kansas County Boundaries | KScounties_Pro | Kansas county boundaries | Kansas Geospatial Community Commons |
Boundaries | Kansas State Boundary | KS_stateboundary_Pro | Kansas state boundary | Kansas Geospatial Community Commons |
Boundaries | Legal Descriptions (Section, Township, Range) | KS_PLSS_Pro | Public Land Survey System layer to define Section, Township, Range legal descriptions for project report table. | Kansas Geospatial Community Commons |
Conservation Areas | Ecological Focus Areas - Aquatic | Aquatic_EFA_Pro | Kansas State Wildlife Action Plan-defined Ecological Focus Areas for aquatic species | KDWP |
Conservation Areas | Ecological Focus Areas - Terrestrial | Terrestrial_EFA_v4_Pro | Kansas State Wildlife Action Plan-defined Ecological Focus Areas for terrestrial species | KDWP |
Conservation Areas | KDWP Designated Critical Habitat | KS_DCH_allspp_Apr2024_Pro | Designated Critical Habitat Areas as defined by the KDWP Secretary with advice from T/E Task Committee and/or approved recovery plans. Layer updated 3/15/2024. | KDWP |
Conservation Areas | Public Lands and Conservation Areas | KDWPpubland_PADUS_merge6May24 | Protected lands layer created by merging the Protected Areas Database of the United States with a KDWP digitized layer of known public land boundaries. Updated 2/22/2024. | KDWP & U.S. Geological Survey |
Energy & Infrastructure | Potential Wind Turbine Locations | FAAverticalstructures_windturbines_KNRP_May2022_Pro | FAA hazard database wind turbine locations .Defined as wind turbine structures, including "objectid" 16102-16229 of the Other Vertical Structures dataset. These points were listed as "other" structures, but comments in the attributes defined them as Montezuma Municipal wind turbines with turbine ID numbers. Layer was created by exporting "objectid" 16102-16229 from the "other structures" shapefile and merging with the FAA proposed wind turbine locations file. | Kansas Natural Resources Planner & Federal Aviation Administration |
Energy & Infrastructure | Tallgrass Heartland Wind Moratorium Area | TallgrassPrairieHeartland_windmoratorium_Pro | Governor-decree utility-scale wind project moratorium area to protect remnant tallgrass prairie | Kansas Natural Resources Planner |
Energy & Infrastructure | Electric Transmission Lines | ElectricTransmissionLines_KNRP_May2022_Pro | Existing electric transmission lines. | Kansas Natural Resources Planner |
Energy & Infrastructure | Other Vertical Structures | FAAverticalstructures_Other_KNRP_May2022_Pro | FAA hazard database vertical structures (non-wind turbine). Downloaded from KNRP, May 2022. | Kansas Natural Resources Planner & Federal Aviation Administration |
Landcover | Kansas Ecological Mapping System | EcoSysMap_wm | Kansas Ecological Mapping Systems landcover dataset 2021. | Kansas Geospatial Community Commons |
Landcover | Kansas Land Cover Patterns 2015 | KLCP2015L3_WM | Kansas Landc Cover Patterns, Level 3 landcover dataset 2015. | Kansas Geospatial Community Commons |
Water Resources | Hydrologic Units | KS_HUC8_UTMproject_Pro | Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) boundaries for 8-digit levels | Kansas Geospatial Community Commons |
Water Resources | Streams & Rivers | NHD_Flowlines_KSclip_Pro | National Hydrology Dataset flowlines (streams, rivers, canals, etc.) clipped to the Kansas state boundary. | U.S. Geological Survey |
Water Resources | National Wetlands Inventory | NWI_KS_Pro | National Wetlands Inventory dataset clipped to the Kansas state boundary | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Water Resources | Waterbodies | NHD_Waterbodies_Pro | National Hydrology Dataset defined waterbodies clipped to the Kansas state boundary. | U.S. Geological Survey |
Water Resources | PLJV Probable Playa Wetlands | PLJV_ProbablePlayas_KS_Pro | Playa Lakes Joint Venture probable playa wetlands dataset, version 5 | Playa Lakes Joint Venture |
Water Resources | PLJV Playa Clusters | PLJV_PlayaClusters_KS_Pro | Playa Lakes Joint Venture playa clusters map | Playa Lakes Joint Venture |
Wildlife & Habitat | Species of Concern - Aquatic | Aquatic_SOC_Nov2014_Pro | Observation locations of aquatic Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN). Created by Kansas Biological Survey, Nov. 2014. | Kansas Natural Resources Planner |
Wildlife & Habitat | Species of Concern - Terrestrial | terrestrial_soc_dec2019final_Pro | Observation locations of terrestrial Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN). Created by Kansas Biological Survey, Dec. 2019. | Kansas Natural Resources Planner |
Wildlife & Habitat | Aquatic Nuisance Species Designated Waters | AquaticNuisanceSpp_allspp_fromKNRP_May2022_Pro | Designated Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) waters. Includes Asian Carp, White Perch, and Zebra Mussels. | Kansas Natural Resources Planner |
Wildlife & Habitat | GPC Conservation Priority Areas | GPC_PriorityAreas_KS_2022_07_Pro | Greater Prairie-Chicken (GPC) priority conservation areas defined by GPC Interstate Work Group, July 2022. | Kansas Natural Resources Planner |
Wildlife & Habitat | GPC Occupied Range | GPC_EOR_KS_2022_07_Pro | Estimated Occupied Range of Greater Prairie-Chicken (GPC) clipped to Kansas state boundaries. Updated July 2022 by Greater Prairie-Chicken Interstate Work Group. | Kansas Natural Resources Planner |
Wildlife & Habitat | LPC Occupied Range | LPC_EORupdate2022_KS_Pro | Lesser Prairie-Chicken (LPC) Estimated Occupied Range. Updated by Lesser Prairie-Chicken Interstate Work Group, July 2022. | Kansas Natural Resources Planner |
Wildlife & Habitat | LPC Range Wide Plan (RWP) Coverage Area | LPC_RWP_EOR10coveredarea_KS_Pro | Lesser Prairie-Chicken (LPC) Estimated Occupied Range plus a 10 mile buffer. This is the effective coverage area for projects that can enroll in Range Wide Plan incidental take coverage. | Kansas Natural Resources Planner |
Wildlife & Habitat | LPC RWP Critical Habitat Assessment Tool (CHAT) | LPC_RWP_CHAT_KS_Pro | Lesser Prairie-Chicken (LPC) Range Wide Plan (RWP) Critical Habitat Assessment Tool (CHAT) zones. Defined by Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) Lesser Prairie-Chicken Interstate Work Group for delivery of the WAFWA Oil and Gas Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances. Downloaded from Southern Great Plains CHAT website (sgpchat.org) August 2022. | Southern Great Plains CHAT |
Wildlife & Habitat | Prairie-Chicken Database | PrairieChickenDbase_27Sept23_Pro | Full collection of surveyed and incidental prairie grouse occurrence data in Kansas. | KDWP |
Wildlife & Habitat | Whooping Crane Migratory Corridor | WHCR_corridor_KS_Pro | Whooping Crane migratory corridor as defined by Pearse et al. (2018)--Spatial Data for Estimating Whooping Crane Migration Corridor. Corridor is clipped by KS boundary. Spatial data available at: https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/5a0c6f50e4b09af898cd3fcd | U.S. Geological Survey |